
Mom, Dad, Nanny, and me several years ago.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Long Walk

There is a Native American story about a schoolboy who appreciated his teacher and wanted to give her a gift she would enjoy. He knew that his teacher loved seashells. One weekend, the boy walked to the ocean – a twenty-mile distance – found a beautiful shell and walked back home. Monday morning, the boy gave his teacher the shell. She thought it was beautiful. It took a moment, but then it dawned on her what the boy had gone through in order to give her the gift. She asked the boy, “You mean you walked all that way to the ocean and back just to give me this shell?” The boy looked at his teacher, and with a tear in his eye, he said, “The long walk is part of the gift.”

It can become very easy to skip over the suffering of Jesus on the cross, while still believeing in his death as the lamb of God. I find myself sometimes overlooking the pain and blood ans looking only at the resurrection. While the resurrection is the "good part" of the story, if we skip over the "long walk jesus took beforehand, it loses some of its meaning.

Mel Gibson showed us in graphic format the long walk Jesus took for us to have a chance to live in heaven forever with the Almighty in the movie The Passion. May we never forget the long walk of Jesus and what it means to us.


Anonymous said...

WOW! You are amazing my friend. I luv hearing your thoughts abou religious issues. Even just simple statements.

Camp Director said...

Anyone can die. In fact we all will. But to offer our lives for another is truly amazing. That Jesus could have chosen to not die and to not suffer, yet still did is the incredible gift backed by the 100% guarantee of his resurrection. I hope the awe of this never goes away.

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