
Mom, Dad, Nanny, and me several years ago.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


After another late night at the office, Daddy came to little son's room just as Johnny was getting in bed. Johnny asked, "Daddy how much do you get paid an hour?" His Daddy replied, "I make $20 an hour ....... why do you ask Johnny?" There was silence and then he asked, "Daddy, could you give me $10?" As Daddy handed him the $10 he asked Johnny what the money was for. Johnny excitedly replied, "Thanks Daddy.....with the money I already had, now I have enough money to pay for an hour of your time so you can play with me."

Isn't that sad? I know most of us chuckle at that, but how many of us have ever felt like Johnny? How many like Daddy? We spend our lives in constant hurry, worrying over grades in school, over taxes, over work, over money, over lots of things we feel are incredibly important, but for what? So we can get that raise, get more deductions, get "employee of the month," make the Honor Roll? We all need to look at our priorities. Most of us will say God is first, but most of us sadly have Family first, not that family isn't important, but God is even more imprtant than that. Who do you have to answer to when you die? Your Your the Almighty...yes! The only one capable of letting you enter into heaven...DUH!!!

And isn't it also great we have a Daddy in heaven from whom we don't have to buy attention and love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is amazing. I love all these stories you post! This particular one touched me because that feels like me. I'm never home anymore now that school has started! But, I know that my job right now is to be the best student I canbe, and going to a Christian School helps keep God at the top of my priority list! Keep on bloggin Curly-cue!