
Mom, Dad, Nanny, and me several years ago.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christian Family?

Does your family call itself Christian? Mine does. But is it true? Many believe that calling your family Christian simply means that all the main family members, or at least most, are followers of Christ. But isn't there more? The Bible has commands for Christians, but do you live them and do as Christ did?

  • The Bible states that love is not easily angered, but how many times have you gotten angry with a loved one?

  • The bible tells us not to slander, but how many times has your parent, child, or even you stubbed a toe, forgotten something at the house, or accidentally injured themselves and let a curse-word slip?

  • The Bible says to honor your father and your mother, but when your parent got old and senile, becoming very stubborn and forgetful, maybe even developed dementia, did you honor them in their requests and wishes, no matter how insane they seemed?

  • The Bible states in the 10 commandments to put no other gods before the Lord himself, but how often do choose TV, shopping, clothes, the computer, money, or even living life over prayer and alone time with God?

  • The Bible reveals that love keeps no record of wrongs and to forgive your brother "77" times, but how long did it take your children to earn back your trust after lying or stealing? How many times have you brought up someone's past transgressions? Have you forgiven all who have wronged you?

  • The Bible tells us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but how many times have you had road rage, said something about someone behind their back, lied to someone to protect yourself or avoid something, or ignored your children or been cruel to them after a lousy day at work?

So I ask you, when the Bible tells us something and we choose to do the opposite, how is it we can claim to be followers of the One about whom the book is written?


Fearlessly Female said...

While I understand your post and your concern, you must remember everyone on earth is ONLY HUMAN and we're mired in SIN. We all fall short of the glory of God. That's why we need Jesus as our Savior. If we were all able to achieve perfection on our own we wouldn't need Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Great blog! It is so true and I see where you are coming from. So many times we call ourselves Christians and yet we fail to be Christ-like. It is a great thing that Christ did what he did to save us, huh? Thank the Lord!

Camp Director said...

Wow!! Pretty powerful stuff. I love that your standards are so high. Still, God's are higher!
Fortunately, being a Christian does not mean beikng perfect, it means being forgiven and trying all the time to get closer and closer to that perfection of love, thought and action.
Blog on, Jesus Freak!

DMama said...

I'm reading some OT these days. Repeatedly the Isrealites are told, "Be holy because I AM holy." That's been strong on my heart because it is repeated as a warning/challenge/reminder so often to the Isrealites as they wander, learn to trust and obey God. So, I wonder, do we really work at being holy?